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Contact My Custom Tailors

I submitted my order sometime ago, why is it still pending?

There are several reasons why an order is delayed. All orders are manually screened to make sure the details are correct and to protect both parties from unscrupulous internet activity. During busy times orders are delayed because of excess demand. We will keep you updated via email if delivery dates become extended.

Other commonly asked questions about Order Status , Shipping , Turnaround

  1. What is the difference between priority processing and rush processing?
  2. How do I change my shipping address?
  3. How long after an order is shipped do I receive it? Can I choose who to ship with?
  4. What is the estimated dispatch date?
  5. Are there any countries where you don´t ship orders to?
  6. How do I update my addresses or details prior to my next order or while my current order is being completed?
  7. What are necessary conditions, customs, duties or taxes I must be aware of ?
  8. Where do I send samples for replication or reproduction? Where do I send cloth for CMT work?
  9. Do you ship to the UK, the USA and Australia? What countries do you ship to ? How long does it take to arrive ?
  10. How do I track my order online?
  11. What are the shipping and handling Charges?
  12. What is the difference between priority processing and rush processing?
  13. What is the turnaround time at My Custom Tailor's? How about ready-to-wear items?
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