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Custom Suits and Shirts
for Men and Women
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Our Tailors is Visiting your city this month! Get fitted by our Expert Master Tailors! Order Custom made Suits, Custom Tailored Shirts, Blazers, Coats more. Hand Made in latest styles & colors you love! Customized by our expert craftsmen for the perfect fit. See our Tailoring Trunkshow schedule or Make an Appointment with the Tailor today!

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What are the production standards?

We maintain a high standard of QUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP with dedication to customer service. Click Here to find out more about our standards.

Other commonly asked questions about Product Features

  1. How does a fully-constructed, tailored jacket differ from semi-constructed or unconstructed jackets?
  2. What is a semi-constructed jacket?
  3. What is an unconstructed jacket? What is the difference between a fully constructed and an unconstructed jacket?
  4. What is the difference between ready-to-wear/off-the-peg, made-to-measure, and full Bespoke Suits?
  5. How are your jackets, pants, and shirts made? What type of construction is done on your jackets, shirts, pants? What are your manufacturing specifications?
  6. What sort of religious criteria can be added to custom tailored clothing?
  7. Are your jackets hand-basted or fused? Can you do hand-basted canvas fronts? Are shirt collars fused? What about the seams?
  8. How do I know if My Custom Tailor is for me?
  9. What about big and tall sizes?
  10. Can I order for others such as family?
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