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I am unable to submit an online order. What should I do?

There are several things that could be holding up acceptance of your order. It may be that ´cookies´ are disabled on your computer or you may be part of a local network that prevents pages from showing on your computer. It is possible that a script is corrupted, preventing you from completing the transaction. Try emailing us the following order information emailed to us along with credit card information to process payment so we can manually input your order. We will then confirm the order onto your online profile, visible in the ´MyAccounts´ section of our website.
If you are unable to submit your measurements, email us a request for Measurements Forms so you can fill them out and fax or email them back to us.

For manual order placement, email us the following details:
- Items you wish to order
- The style number for each item
- The fabric number for each item
- The color for each item
- Any special requests for any of the custom pieces being ordered
- Measurements can be submitted by logging into ´MyAccounts´ and using the links on the left menu. Or, you can fax us the measurement form which can be printed out and filled in. Our fax number is (66) 2 650 0956 where you would need to dial the international access code (it is 011 in the USA) and then the rest of the number. Include your name, email address, and Customer ID number.

Email us the following credit card information so that we can process payment.
- The card number
- The name on the card
- The expiration date
- Shipping address
- billing address
- CVV number(the three digit number in reverse italics on the back of the card).
Having all the pertinent information as detailed above, will allow us to manually enter your order and process it accordingly.

Other commonly asked questions about Troubleshoot, Technical Issues

  1. What are alpha characters?
  2. How can I remove an item from my shopping cart? How do I edit items in my shopping cart? How do I change items in my order?
  3. I dont see my order in MyAccounts. Where did it go? Do you still have it?
  4. When I submit sizes, it shows an - Out Of Range - Error.
  5. It keeps asking for the password to MyAccounts? I do not have/have forgotten the password. What should I do?
  6. I am unable to log into MyAccounts. What should I do?
  7. I updated my measurements online. Why are the changes not showing?
  8. I can´t view the video tutorials in the measurements forms. I am having trouble submitting sizes. The form is not going through. Help.
I have a question about another topic.
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