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What are alpha characters?

Non-alphabetic characters that are used in the same way letters are used. These characters are neither letters or numbers. For example hash(#), dollar sign ($), the @ sign(at), and the plus sign (+), etc., are all alpha characters. These should not be used at our website in any of the address or name fields. Use them only in the comments or message fields.

Other commonly asked questions about Troubleshoot, Technical Issues

  1. How can I remove an item from my shopping cart? How do I edit items in my shopping cart? How do I change items in my order?
  2. I dont see my order in MyAccounts. Where did it go? Do you still have it?
  3. When I submit sizes, it shows an - Out Of Range - Error.
  4. It keeps asking for the password to MyAccounts? I do not have/have forgotten the password. What should I do?
  5. I am unable to log into MyAccounts. What should I do?
  6. I updated my measurements online. Why are the changes not showing?
  7. I can´t view the video tutorials in the measurements forms. I am having trouble submitting sizes. The form is not going through. Help.
  8. I am unable to submit an online order. What should I do?
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