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How do I set up an account ?

Log into MyAccounts and set up your billing and shipping information, email address and contact details. You will immediately be assigned a Customer ID as soon as you type in your email address. This ID should be used with all communications to ensure efficiency and accuracy.

Other commonly asked questions about MyAccount Section

  1. I am not able to access my order in the ´MyAccounts´ link of your website.
  2. Why does the system ask for a password in ´MyAccounts´? I have forgotten the password. I can´t log into my account.
  3. What is the ´MyAccounts´ feature?
  4. How do I track the status of my order online?
  5. What does the status, ´QC´ mean?
  6. What is ´Order Pending´ in my account?
  7. What is ´Order Processing´ in my account?
  8. What is ´Order Sourcing´ in my account?
  9. What is ´Order Executing´ in my account?
  10. What does ´Awaiting Info´ in my account mean?
  11. What does ´Order Completing´ mean?
  12. What does ´Order Shipped´ in my account indicate?
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