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Custom Suits and Shirts
for Men and Women
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Our Tailors is Visiting your city this month! Get fitted by our Expert Master Tailors! Order Custom made Suits, Custom Tailored Shirts, Blazers, Coats more. Hand Made in latest styles & colors you love! Customized by our expert craftsmen for the perfect fit. See our Tailoring Trunkshow schedule or Make an Appointment with the Tailor today!

Special Offers and Deals on Custom Suits and Dress Shirts - For Him & For Her

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Summer Skirts Offers - 4 Skirts  1 Belt our Womens Classic Collection
Summer Skirts Offers - 4 Skirts 1 Belt our Womens Classic Collection
Regular Price: US$ 506
Now Only US$ 493.35! Save US$ 12.65
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Hello, Mr. Mycustomtailor I want to confirm the delivery of my sample suit, shirt and fabrics. Please, allow me to say, I am very impressed. This suit surpasses my expectations and I am very pleased I chose you as my tailor. Also, the shirt fabric is exquisite and very well made. Kenneth W...........Saginaw, MI, USA