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Is a credit card transaction of this type really safe from fraud?

The short answer is "Yes"

The long answer is . . .

Most consumers do not realize that security protocols and technologies currently exist to protect them. The majority of credit card fraud over the Internet has involved people e-mailing their credit card account numbers to merchants, or web sites accepting credit cards without using any security protocols.

Such potentially insecure methods of data transmission are not used here at Mycustomtailor. We employ the latest in Internet and electronic commerce security:

Operating System Security. Mycustomtailor uses a Linux operating system. We have employed the strictest security (secure users, groups, and passwords).

Database encryption. Mycustomtailor gathers customers, products, and orders in databases. Those databases are secured with passwords set up at the table level. Even someone typing on the computer on which the database is stored would have to know the database passwords to gain access to the information.

Encoded Credit Card Slips. Credit card transactions (or slips, as they are known in the banking industry) are encoded using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) standard, which involves 128-bit encryption. Even if someone were to intercept a transaction, they would not be able to gain access to the information. Your credit card information goes directly to an accredited bank (even Mycustomtailor can't see your number). We can see your contact information and what you ordered, but credit card information is not available. Your credit card number is not stored on any computer. The number is purged immediately after the transaction is processed, so there is no way for anyone to ever see it.

So shopping with Mycustomtailor really is safe!

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