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My Custom Tailor Why A Store Bought Shirt Can T Compare To A Men S Bespoke Shirt

Have you ever bought a men's bespoke shirt? If so, then you already know how much better they fit than the pieces you can buy at the local department store. This isn't to imply that you can't find a great deal on a shirt that fits you well enough. But if you want to look your best, you need to get the best. And the simple fact is, a men's bespoke shirt is, by far, the best choice you could ever make when it comes to your wardrobe.

The Problem with Department Store Clothing

You might shy away from a men's bespoke shirt because of the cost. You also might be lured into your local department store because of the weekly circular you see in the newspaper. It's hard to pass up on a Boss shirt that costs less than $40, especially if you're brand conscious. But have you ever thought about how they actually make these shirts? They're designed with generic body types in mind. You definitely have a specific body type and measurements, but the options at the department store don't account for all of them. It's impossible for clothing made in the factory to meet every single combination of measurements. It just wouldn't prove cost effective, and these businesses are all about being as cost effective as possible. That's the problem with a store bought shirt – it's not made to fit you perfectly.

We all know this, at least we should, a great reason why a tailor made shirt is best would be that off-the-rack shirts just never fit right, ever. Unless you are one of those really rare people who happen to be a sample size, most off of the rack clothing  will need some sort of alteration, whether you’re ready to admit it or not. It’s perfectly fine to rock your brand new clothes straight out of the store, but if you take it to a proper tailor to tweak and alter it perfectly for you so that it fits flawlessly, you will have a better appreciation for what you’ve just bought, plus you’ll look elegantly put together.

We’ve all done it, gone in to a store and bought something we were sure would fit and when we got home, something about it just did not sit right. The truth is that most people out there are walking around and going about their day in clothing that doesn’t fit them. If you have never worn a tailor made shirt, you might just be one of these people. Nobody knows your fit like a tailor does, it’s true, and nothing will ever fit as right as a custom tailored shirt. When he or she gets ready to sew a garment together for you, they use your exact measurements to make something that fits so flawlessly that it might just look like it was poured on to you

A Men's Bespoke Shirt is the Superior Choice

There's a saying that we've all heard: you have to look good to feel good. Okay, so say you go to the department store and pick up a shirt that looks “good enough.” That means you're only going to feel “good enough.” Wouldn't you rather spend a few dollars more for something that looks great, so that you can feel great? That's what you'll do for yourself if you decide to start adding the men's bespoke shirt to your wardrobe. It really isn't that much more expensive to get a men's bespoke shirt than it is to buy one at the local department store, either. Yes, you can find great deals on shirts made for the masses, but they won't have the superior craftsmanship of a men's bespoke shirt. This means that your department store shirt won't last as long as what you could get from your tailor, either. So, the department store shirt is guaranteed to deliver two things: a generic, “good enough fit,” and lower quality, which means you'll need to replace it much sooner. If you want to become a superior gentleman, you're going to need to purchase superior clothing. You can't do that with generically designed shirts from the department store that are not tailor made shirts.

A good tailor usually has a great eye for fine details and years of experience. This means that they know exactly what style of shirt is best for you. They work with different body types all day long, from short to tall, and big to small. Whether you’re a rectangle or an upside down triangle, there is no body shape out there that a good tailor cannot work with to prove to you that a bespoke shirt is best. Instead of constantly wearing men’s shirts that do nothing for your frame, see a tailor and invest in hand tailored shirts that will last you a lifetime.


How to Find a Tailor for Your Men's Bespoke Shirt Needs

It's simple, really! Just ask your friends and family members who they recommend. But don't just take their word for it. Perform your due diligence and actually check in with the tailor. Ask him how he approaches his work and what he does that makes him better than everyone else. You're going to hear all sorts of things. But, what you're really looking for is a tailor that pays attention to detail and places customer satisfaction ahead of everything else. Yes, the best tailor will tell you when you're making a bad fashion choice. But, at the same time, he knows that you won't feel great unless you like the way you look. He'll be willing to put his expertise on the back burner if it means you feel great about being in a men's bespoke shirt that doesn't meet his own definition of perfection.