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My Custom Tailor Top 5 Fashion Mistakes Men

We are all well aware of the universally insufferable socks-with-sandal, it’s probably the most famous fashion mistake there is, and very few people ever dare to make it. When it comes to formal and semi-formal style in both formal and casual suits, it is true that mistakes in formal wear are often a bit less noticeable to the passing eye, especially if you’re a bit of a fashion rookie and could completely ruin even the best custom wardrobes. In this article we have compiled a few of the worst style mistakes to help you avoid them and dress a little better, look a little smarter and feel like a million bucks. We are going to start off with a few basic maintenance mistakes you might be making then we will move on to actual clothing mistakes you might be making.

Wearing Wrinkled Clothes

Your custom wardrobe makes a bold statement about who you are from the moment that someone else sees you. They are making assumptions about you based on your style and color choices before you have ever uttered a word. Up until this point you have made a great investment by choosing custom clothing as your source for one of a kind fashion which means that you are invested in your appearance. Go the extra mile with your custom clothing investment by properly caring for your clothes after the sale. A crisp custom dress shirt tells people that you take pride in who you are and what you do. While a wrinkled custom dress shirt may indicate a lack of interest on your part which is a fashion mistake we’ve all made at least once.

Choosing the Wrong Fabric

Fabric choices are a make or break part of the custom design process and can be the difference between a great outfit and a complete fashion mistake. If you choose the proper fabric for your custom garment then you have solidified your style choices and your custom wardrobe. On the other hand, you can also ruin a great design by selecting the wrong fabric for your garment.

Ignoring the Stain

Part of caring for your custom garments includes protecting those garments in your custom wardrobe from substances that may stain them. It is important to treat a stain on your custom garment immediately in order to avoid having the stain set. Properly launder your custom garment after every wear so that substances do not have time to set and create a stain. Examine your clothes prior to each wear as well in order to ensure that you are beginning your day with a stain. Do not ignore stains on your custom clothing thinking that people will look past it and not notice. Stains are an obvious flaw in your custom clothing and people will take notice.

Ignoring the Fit

Select the right fit in something as small as a custom dress shirt or a pair of tailored trousers when it comes to designing your custom clothing. Do not choose custom items that are too big or too small. If your custom choices are too big then you look sloppy. If your custom pieces are too small, then you lose the luxurious quality that comes with custom clothing.

Not Retiring Clothes when they are Damaged

All clothes have a life cycle and as will any other life cycle, clothes too will eventually reach the end of the line and need to be retired. When the time comes, allow your custom clothes to exit gracefully. Do not detract from your own personal style persona by allowing your custom clothing pieces to stay too long at the party.

Thinking that Black Suits are the most Versatile

We have no idea how this rumor started and why it still gets so much attention to this very day. It actually turns out that the most versatile color when it comes to a good suit would have to be navy or charcoal. These should always be the first two colors that a man buys his suits in when they're starting to build their wardrobe. Charcoal and navy are colors that you can easily play with. You can dress them up with grand accessories and always look quite sharp. The truth is that black suits are only suitable on occasions such as weddings, funerals, and sometimes just sometimes for the office. Do us all a favor and use your black suit sparingly.

Slim Men Wearing Wide Leg Pants

Oh boy, we might not remember where we first heard this one, but it certainly the worst piece of fashion advice ever given. Sometime many years ago someone got the idea that wearing a pair of wide leg pants such as a boot cut would be perfect for widening a slim man’s legs.  The truth is not only does it not do anything for your legs but it can make you look incredibly sloppy. There are many other options for you to try.

Pocket Squares Do not Have to Match Your Tie

Yes, you did read that right, your pocket square can be fun and it really does not have to match your tie at all. Contradictory to what you might see news and sports anchors wearing on TV, your pocket squares do not have to match your tie at all, we’re being serious. You would be surprised to know that they probably shouldn't match at all. It is far more stylish when your pocket square is not the same color as your tie. If anything, we believe that your pocket square can match the color of your custom dress shirt if it really must, but even then it's not necessary. Feel free to branch out with your pocket squares, get a few in bold, wild colors, with intricate patterns.

Fashion is a great form of self-expression and there is not a one size fits all answer to what is flattering and what is not. There is however guidelines that one needs to follow to ensure that the only list that you are nominated for is the best in style at your office party. Take pride in your custom wardrobe and take the time to protect the investment in order to extend the life of your wardrobe. Do not try to imitate the style of others, but do recognize that there are certain guidelines to follow when it comes to impeccable style. Put your own spin on fashion and style, but know when it is time to pass on a look in order to capture a better style.