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My Custom Tailor Tips To Style Your Custom Suit

Styling a custom suit can seem like a rather daunting task if you do not know what you are doing. In these articles we will cover some basic style tips that will help you with your custom suit but well before we get in to that, let’s review on some of the most important factors of finding a good tailor. Having a good tailor that understands you and your style is important if you want a custom suit that will be highly flattering and last you for years to come.

Look for quality workmanship in your tailor, custom tailors can charge you quite a bit of money for that perfect suit, and so you should always get what you pay for. Look for examples of their work that you can examine. Look at the seams of the work that you are shown. Are they straight and finished? Are the cuffs and seams even? Look at the fabrics that are chosen for each garment. Do the fabric choices make sense for the garments that they are chosen for? Look at the buttonholes in the garment. Do they line up perfectly? These are just a few things you can use to see if your tailor is worth his or her price tag. You should also always get an estimate on the time needed by the tailor to perform the alterations that you need done. A sensible expectation for your basic, minor adjustments should be anywhere between 2-3 days to a week, two weeks at the most if the tailor is very busy and they are completely booked up. If you are getting constant delays and pushbacks from your tailor, you might need to take your clothing to another tailor. As you build a relationship with your custom tailor, it is important to look for someone who has a similar style portfolio to yours. Style for style, you should see eye to eye. This person will be your guide on your fashion quest and they must align with what you want in a custom wardrobe. Your custom tailor will be there to help you turn your style dreams into a reality. Look for someone who can create a quality custom fit. Then find someone whose style aligns with yours. Finally, find someone who will mesh with your personality. Your custom tailor will be a person that you work closely with on an ongoing basis. Choose your custom tailor wisely and then focus on bringing out your inner style personality through custom design.

Now that you have some basic tips on finding a great tailor to help you out with your custom suit, we can get in to some of those classic style tips that will take your custom suit to a whole new level.

Bring Back the Button -Down Collar

Custom suits are a true style statement and in keeping with that tradition, the rest of the ensemble should make a statement as well. Your hand tailored dress shirt should remain buttoned down at all times when you are wearing your custom suit. Save your flipped up collar for your casual looks instead.

Incorporate a Polka Dot for Whimsy

Even though your custom suit is designed for those formal occasions, you can still add a bit of whimsy to your custom wardrobe by incorporating a polka dot into your wardrobe. Remember when you are selecting that perfect piece, the key is that you choose a polka dot that is large enough to attract attention, but not so large that it becomes inappropriate.

Stitches at the Lapel Add Interest

A lapel by any other name is just a lapel. If you are looking to add interest to your custom suit then consider adding embellished stitching at the lapel to provide additional flair.

Your Tie Bar Should Never Be Wider Than Your Tie

Style etiquette dictates that you don a tie for formal occasions. As part of that etiquette lesson, we also learn that when styling your tie, your tie bar should never be wider than your tie in order to be considered to be in proper attire.

Unfasten Your Jacket When You Sit

A proper style persona includes following the rules when it comes to behaviors that are considered appropriate in a social setting. One of those rules includes unfastening your jacket when you sit. That one simple motion indicates your respect for your host at an event.

Accessorize With Caution

While accessorizing your custom suit is definitely an essential part of a fashion forward custom wardrobe, one must also remember that it is possible to over accessorize. For example if you have a tie, a tie clip, and a pocket square then it is not necessary to also wear a lapel pin as a part of your ensemble.

Choose a Dress Watch

Your custom suit is a wise investment in your future. Treat is as such by ensuring that you also invest in a dress watch that will coordinate with it. The large, bulky sports watch that you wear on a daily basis is not appropriate to pair with your custom suit.

Purchasing a custom suit is the first step on the path to style perfection. However, the custom suit is only one step in the process. Once you have selected your custom suit, the next steps are all about following the remaining style rules and etiquette cues in order to achieve the classic style that you so desire. Style is a culmination of both what you wear and how you act. Be sure to follow the rules when it comes to both. Also remember that fashion is a great form of self-expression and there is not a one size fits all answer to what is flattering and what is not. There is however guidelines that one needs to follow to ensure that the only list that you are nominated for is the best in style at your office party. Take pride in your custom wardrobe and take the time to protect the investment in order to extend the life of your wardrobe. Do not try to imitate the style of others, but do recognize that there are certain guidelines to follow when it comes to impeccable style. Put your own spin on fashion and style, but know when it is time to pass on a look in order to capture a better style. You should also stay up to date on the latest trends by reading blogs and style magazines.