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Custom Suits and Shirts
for Men and Women
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Our Tailors is Visiting your city this month! Get fitted by our Expert Master Tailors! Order Custom made Suits, Custom Tailored Shirts, Blazers, Coats more. Hand Made in latest styles & colors you love! Customized by our expert craftsmen for the perfect fit. See our Tailoring Trunkshow schedule or Make an Appointment with the Tailor today!

Contact My Custom Tailors

Do you visit USA, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand or Europe on annual mail order trips? Do you visit my part of the world to take orders or measurements?

We regularly visit the USA and UK to service existing and new clients. Fill in our Road Show Appointment form to allow us to contact you with more information and provide our planned Road Show Visitation Schedule. To make sure that Our Master Tailor visits your city, create a group of friends, family members or business acquaintances that would be interested in working with our Master Tailors.
For a group of at least five clients, special pricing discounts will be offered along with the individual attention you will receive from a Master Tailor.

The best reason to attend one of these roadshows is to understand how you can order custom made clothing that fits much better than off-the-rack clothes at lower prices. You then have your measurements in our database so you can reorder anytime of the year from our online site. Our loyal clients enjoy the convenience of our online presence and avoiding the need to shop retail stores. Our ongoing commitment to serving global clients and numerous customer testimonials customer testimonials is the continuation of three generations of personal service.

Ourmeasurements forms are very comprehensive in creating the perfect guide for making clothes that fit perfectly. As a guide to capturing your measurements, we provide online video tutorials that explain how to take accurate measurements. We seek information regarding ethnic background, favorite sporting and outside activities, special fit preferences, etc., in creating individual information profiles to ensure correct proportioning and fit. The requested information also helps us confirm that certain measurement details are correct. Someone who plays football would be more comfortable in pants that were proportioned with larger than standard front of the thighs and someone who lifts weights would be more comfortable with a wider than usual back for jackets. We do everything possible to accommodate client needs and become an indispensable source of value and convenience.

When an order is received, our Master Tailors review every measurement to check for potential relationships that don´t logically exist in making sure everything is in proportion. To assist in confirming a perfect profile, we request pictures that show front, back and side view images. In paying attention to this kind of detail, we guarantee order placement for custom clothing done online via our website will earn your total satisfaction.

We encourage you to try our online services to avoid having to wait for one of our roadshows to visit your city.
What differentiates us either way is our quality, expertise, workmanship, speed of delivery, and level of custom fit.

Other commonly asked questions about Other Issues

  1. What is laundering and starching?
  2. What is the best method for cleaning my suit?
  3. Where is located?
  4. What kind of promotions do you offer? How do I select items from these promotions?
  5. Where are you located ? What is your physical address? Can I have directions to your location?
  6. What is My Custom Tailor´s stand on human rights and conservation?
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